Happy Holidays Dream Warriors! We’re coming at you this week with our third...Christmas movie...? Brooke wanted to get a little crazy this week and picked this New French Extremities classic for us to watch! Not your typical Christmas horror film and this one comes with a big content warning on it. Seriously, the discussion gets dicey as this movie is a little more extreme than a lot of the stuff we’ve covered. You’ve been warned!
Repent! The end is extremely f***ing nigh! Part 2 of our zombie horde face off is here! Make sure you tune in to see...
What's up Dream Warriors! This episode had us returning to Ti West's trilogy to cover MaXXXine and watch her finally become the fucking star...
What's up Dream Warriors! We're finally wrapping up our 7th Villain Faceoff (Annie Wilkes vs Asami Yamakazi) and we're joined by Felicia Conner from...