What's up Dream Warriors! We wrapped up our month of prehistoric horror last week and this week we're getting back into the non-scheduled episodes. This week we're taking a trip to a little girl's fabricated fantasy world while she tries to escape a war and the grasp of her asshole stepfather in Guillermo del Toro's Oscar award winning, Pan's Labyrith!
Although it's not your typical horror there are some very creepy creature designs and the real life horrors are even worse! This was only a second watch for both of us and we both agree that it definitely deserves more watches.
Join us next week when we talk about Brooke's pick of the month with 2021's Malignant!
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Stay inside, avoid the horde and listen to us discuss 2016’s South Korean masterpiece, Train to Busan!
Whats up Dream Warriors! We're finally kicking off the villain faceoffs again and we decided to hook you in by starting off with Ben...
What's up Dream Warriors! We're wrapping up our month long theme of Bong Joon Ho movies with his highest rated movie to date, Parasite...