What's up Dream Warriors! We're kicking off 2023 and our season 4 with Japanuary, where we'll be discussing J-horror and thrillers all month long! We're starting it off with Marc's pick of Battle Royale. Not really a horror movie but it does have some serious horror elements to it. This movie strongly influenced The Hunger Games and likely a couple of other movies but none of them did it quite like this one.
Next week we'll be tackling Brooke's pick of Pulse, which will be a first watch for both of us and one that looks like it could be the truest horror movie we do this month!
Flee while you can, the future’s not good-for no one is safe from a Lep in the hood!
Don’t f*** with the Chuck! Our 4th instalment of our Listener Requests is here! Join us as we discuss one of our favourites in...
What's up Dream Warriors! We're back this week with Marc's pick of September and it would be an understatement to say this one was...