What's up Dream Warriors! February is coming to an end and that can only mean one thing, it's time to wrap up our theme for the month of "crazy/scorned lovers". What better way to wrap up the month of love than with the best Valentine's Day horror movie out there...and it's remake! Thats right, this episode isn't only on one movie, but rather a comparison of the 2 movies and how they stack up to each other. Which movie won our hearts and which one did we maul with a pickaxe? You'll have to come join us in the Hannigar Mines to find out!
Welcome to episode 3, Black Christmas! This is our first episode for our Christmas themed episodes. Hope you enjoy!
What's up Dream Warriors! We're taking a trip to the woods to discuss Brooke's response to Marc's Thirteen Ghosts pick with The Cabin in...
Join us for our fourth guest episode as we’re joined by Chuck from Chuck Goes to the Movies to discuss his pick of Dead...