Whats up Dream Warriors! In our third week of crazy/scorned lovers we sit down with Jess from Horror Movie Crew to discuss her pick, The Crush. This was a first time watch for APOES and Jess definitely brought crazy to the table! This movie was filled with underage cringe that definitely wouldn't fly in this day and age but it all just helped us have a great discussion on a movie that helped skyrocket Alicia Silverstone to fame! More importantly though, we learned that we've been pronouncing Cary Elwes' name wrong for our entire lives.
We have one episode left to drop this month and it's going to be a doozy so make sure you tune in next week to hear us discuss My Bloody Valentine (1981) and it's 2009 remake!
What's up Dream Warriors! We wrapped up our month of prehistoric horror last week and this week we're getting back into the non-scheduled episodes....
Hey guy, your fly is down and your Hostess Twinkie is hanging out! April Fool’s! Join us on April Fool’s Day as we discuss...
What's up Dream Warriors! We're still kickin' it in Australia but this month we're battling hordes of zombies and asshole SWAT wannabes in Wyrmwood...