What's up Dream Warriors! We're back this week to complete our set of Villain Faceoffs with Chuck from Chuck and Ruff Go to the Movies, with our discussion on Scream 4! As always, we had a blast recording this episode and we went off the rails multiple times with discussions about the teaser for the Deadpool/Wolverine movie, our crushes on Hayden Panettiere and randomly, Eric Roberts' ridiculous upcoming movie schedule.
We cap off the episode with our Villain Faceoff and determine who we think would win if Scream 3's Ghostface were to match up with Scream 4's. Who do you think would take the crown?
Join as next week as we finish off our Screamin' September with Scream 5 and the return of Josh from HMC!
Stay inside, avoid the horde and listen to us discuss 2016’s South Korean masterpiece, Train to Busan!
What's up Dream Warriors! We're back with Brooke's pick of May, Perfect Blue from 1997. This might be our only episode of May due...
What’s up Dream Warriors! Join us this week as we discuss 2016’s Don’t Breathe and hear us have 2 very different opinions on some...