The Brood (1979)

Episode 52 November 11, 2022 00:52:10
The Brood (1979)
A Podcast on Elm Street
The Brood (1979)

Nov 11 2022 | 00:52:10


Show Notes

What's up Dream Warriors! This week we're coming at you with another one of Marc's picks, The Brood from 1979. This movie was directed by the Godfather of Body Horror himself, David Cronenberg and was one of the movies to help skyrocket him into the master that he is today. This movie was featured on Shudder's 101 Scariest Horror Movie Moments and neither of us had seen it, so naturally we had to give it a watch. If you've seen this movie do you agree that THAT scene deserves to be on the list?

Come back next week when we'll be talking about Ti West's prequel to his fan favourite X, Pearl! This will be another first watch for us as we've both been waiting to watch it so we could do an episode on it. We know it's getting almost as much credit as X did so we're both very excited to sit down with this one!


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