What's up Dream Warriors! We're back this week with Marc's pick of September and it would be an understatement to say this one was difficult to dissect. We went into this fairly blind and with minimal knowledge to the subject content but we knew it was a pretty divisive movie in the horror community. We tried to gain as much knowledge on the movie prior to recording so we could do it some justice and not just say "this movie is confusing" and wrap it up.
Come back in 2 weeks, where we'll be kicking off our October episodes and breaking down episode 1-5 of The Haunting of Hill House!
***If you're an LGBTQ2S+ youth in Canada and don't know where to look for support, follow the link provided: https://itgetsbettercanada.org
We are not affiliated with It Gets Better Canada, we simply want you to know there is support out there!
Whats up Dream Warriors! We're finally kicking off the villain faceoffs again and we decided to hook you in by starting off with Ben...
What’s up Dream Warriors?! This week we’re excited to bring you part 2 of our FvJ month long face off and this week we’re...
What's up Dream Warriors! This week we're coming at you with a violent, head banging, hardcore punk scene and fighting our way through the...